We want more people to be more physically active in later life. Maintaining and improving muscle strength and balance can help people in later life live independently and reduce the risk of falls.
My vision of a Decade of Healthy Ageing: Corinne, Liverpool
Since Liverpool joined the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities, Steve Rotherham, the Metro Mayor, has been busy engaging with the city region's older residents.
Aggie MacKenzie, the ‘Queen of Clean', decided to become a yoga instructor in her 50s. She's managed to continue working through the pandemic so that she and her clients can remain fit and healthy.
Responding to the experience of older people in the COVID-19 pandemic
This event marked the launch of the University of Manchester report, ‘Covid-19 and Social Exclusion: Experiences of older people living in areas of multiple deprivation’.
This webinar explored the importance of health, work and ageing, and what employers and government need to do to ensure that all employees are supported at work.
Mr Motivator joins experts in calling for action on over 50s' health
New figures show that over a third of over 55s have seen their strength decline since the COVID-19 outbreak, and nearly 40% are doing less exercise than last year.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy received funding from Sport England and the Centre for Ageing Better to support those with long-term health conditions to improve their strengthening.