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labour market effects of the increase in the state pension age

Labour market effects of the increase in the state pension age from 65 to 66

This research, funded by Ageing Better, analyses how employment decisions have been affected by the increase in the state pension age to 66.

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Flexible working for older workers

Flexible Working for Older Workers: Evaluation of pilot projects

This report details the evaluation of a programme that was created to explore how over 50s can access the benefits of flexible working.

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50 plus employment support

Interim report: Improving employment support for over 50s in Greater Manchester

In partnership with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Department for Work and Pensions, we're working to improve the economic activity rate among people aged 50 to State Pension age.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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GROW guide thumbnail

Good Recruitment for Older Workers: A guide for employers

We know that 36% of 50-70 year olds feel at a disadvantage applying for jobs due to their age. This recruitment guide sets out five key actions to help organisations become more age-inclusive.

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Changing patterns of work at older ages IFS report

Changing patterns of work at older ages

This report, funded by Ageing Better, provides evidence on the nature of paid work at older ages and how employment patterns change for people in different circumstances.

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Publication cover

Working well? How the pandemic changed work for people with health conditions

This research highlights the challenges faced by employees with long-term health conditions. It warns that more support is needed to help people manage their conditions in the workplace if the state pension is to rise further.

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Ads for all ages

Ads for all ages: How age-biased are job adverts in the UK, and what can we do about it?

This report concentrates on one aspect of the recruitment process and illustrates the negative impact ageist language can have on older workers. It's a part of the Good Recruitment for Older Workers (GROW) project.

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Too much experience: Older workers' perceptions of ageism in the recruitment process

This report shares findings on ageism in the recruitment process from the perspective of older workers. It's part of a wider programme of work looking at the recruitment landscape for employers and older jobseekers.

  • Work

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