A recent report from King's College London identified the staggering costs older women workers face when it comes to providing care for older relatives, prompting the question: why is this not a shared responsibility between both men and women?
The poor quality of England’s homes is a threat to our nation's health and our commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But while the government is slow to act, regional and smaller-scale initiatives are leading by example.
How can I get started with developing an Age-friendly Community? This half-day training will explore how communities can embed an Age-friendly Communities approach, taking you through the first stage of the Age-friendly Communities Framework.
With the government set to announce an ambitious new pledge to cut carbon emissions this week, we must see strategic action in improving our homes as part of its long-term plans.
Barbara Douglas from the Elder Council of Newcastle and judge of our age-positive icon competition guides us through the process of how the winning designs were chosen.
The Good Home Inquiry is examining how to address the differing finance needs, from funding small repairs and adaptations to comprehensive, whole house upgrades.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have today announced a new commission aimed at developing a radical and inspiring vision that reimagines care and support.