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Read all the latest case studies and personal stories from the Centre for Ageing Better

Older couple looking onto a river

Find out more about examples of good practice and people's experiences of growing older.

If you would like to share with us your experiences of ageing, so that we can use them in our communications, we'd love to hear from you.

The views and opinions expressed in these stories are those of the authors where directly quoted. They do not necessarily reflect the policy or positions of the Centre for Ageing Better.

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Mark's voice

Mark’s voice - redundancy during a pandemic

Mark had been working at a telecommunications company for 24 years before being made redundant at the end of 2020, and at 55 was still a way off retirement.

  • Work
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Existing homes

Carole's voice - the need for suitable homes

Carole is a wheelchair user and lives in a second-floor flat, in a block that has no lift. She has been waiting for two years for a flat she can leave and return to without help, and close to her only friend in the city.

  • Homes
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Trevor's voice - the need for suitable homes

Trevor, 73, has a serious heart condition that makes it difficult for him to get upstairs. His 69-year-old wife is his carer and after she’s helped him shower and dress in the morning, he stays downstairs until bedtime.

  • Homes
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Jen and Hel

Jen's voice - LGBT+ History Month

Attitudes to sexuality have changed a great deal in Jen's lifetime – from her childhood in rural Scotland to her involvement with Opening Doors London today.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Denise's voice - ageism in recruitment

The carer has experienced different forms of ageism over the years but says that employers are overlooking good workers because of their age.

  • Work
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Black History Month

Patricia's voice - ageism in recruitment

The school worker experienced ageism after returning to work from shielding during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Work
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Empty office

Elizabeth's voice - Work after redundancy

Elizabeth talks about her journey back into fulfilling work after being made redundant seven years ago.

  • Work
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Walking football

Age-friendly Barnsley's walking football

This is the story of how Wombwell Main FC in Barnsley is encouraging people to get active as a way of improving lifestyle.

  • Age-friendly Movement

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