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The local elections are an opportunity for local leaders to consider how they can create and enable more age-friendly communities
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Liverpool played host to the 2019 UK Network of Age-friendly Communities conference.
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Local authorities continue to struggle to provide adequate social care for their population. Whitehall urgently needs to publish the long-awaited Social Care Green Paper.
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Research published recently in The Lancet suggests that one quarter of people over the age of 50 have felt discriminated against whilst doing everyday tasks.
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We respond to the Lords Committee's final report on Intergenerational Fairness & Provision and call for the Government to make big structural changes to housing, work and communities.
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We respond to new research on social care and call for the Government to consider legislating for flexible, paid carers’ leave.
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We respond to story on researchers' plan to spin patients in machine to prevent muscle loss.
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Latest figures from the ONS show that increasing numbers of people in mid-life are living alone.
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A recent article in the Lancet suggested a quarter of over 50s claimed they've been unfairly treated in stores, restaurants and hospitals.
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Frances' voice

“Some people are quite alone, and this is the only platform they have to get their voice heard.”
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