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We need to make sure that volunteering opportunities are more broadly inclusive and remove barriers associated with race and ethnicity, disability, poverty and disadvantage.
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Too many people are locked out of contributing to their community. Understanding why people might not feel able to volunteer is crucial if we are to make our organisations age-friendly and inclusive.
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Paul Johnson, director of the IFS, has warned that politicians need to face up to the need for higher taxes or radical reforms to care for the UK’s ageing population.
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When I was at a low point in my life, volunteering helped me connect with the people around me. This Volunteers’ Week I’m helping others to feel the benefits of volunteering too.
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A new guide to help organisations make their volunteering practices more age-friendly and inclusive has been launched for Volunteers’ Week.
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For Volunteers' Week 1-7 June 2019, we held an interactive webinar on Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering.
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Over-50s account for nearly half of all consumer spending, but many products and services are designed and marketed for younger generations.
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New ONS data shows many people in their 60s report greater life satisfaction compared to those in their 40s
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A person’s ‘subjective age’ may be different to their chronological age. But what does it mean to feel older or younger than you really are?
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David Cundy, an expert in programme delivery and service change, has been appointed to lead Ageing Better’s new Programmes Directorate.
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