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‘Couch to Out and About’: age-friendly walking in Greater Manchester

Tameside Council in Greater Manchester is encouraging older residents to be more physically active and socialise through walking.
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Northfield Community Partnership – COVID-19 and the digital divide

This is the story of how Northfield Community Partnership (NCP) provided digital support to over 50s during the pandemic.
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This webinar explored the motivators and barriers to physical activity for people in their 50s and 60s, and what might work to help people in this age group feel the benefits and get active. With special guest, Derrick Evans MBE: Mr Motivator.
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Despite it being one of the easiest ways to build physical activity into daily life, people in mid and later life are less likely to participate in active travel than younger age groups.
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This interim report provides a summary of the evidence reviews on attitudes to active travel among people aged 50-70 and the role the built environment plays.
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New report finds that lack of cycle and footpaths, personal safety concerns, and declining health are key barriers to people in their 50s and 60s walking or cycling as a means of travel.
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Around 50% of Torbay’s population is over the age of 50. This makes it especially important to have a platform for older members so that their area can be a better place to grow old in.
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Current research tells us that media depictions of ageing and older people are largely negative. It’s time we challenged these ageist portrayals.
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Carole, who has had an extensive career in the voluntary sector, will be staying on as Chief Executive for the next year.
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While life expectancy has increased, there are huge health inequalities in this country that are only set to widen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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