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New figures show that over a third of over 55s have seen their strength decline since the COVID-19 outbreak, and nearly 40% are doing less exercise than last year.
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Working in small groups around the eight Age-friendly Communities domain topics, older Londoners identified the top five priorities within each for action by the Greater London Authority over the next four years.
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The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Loneliness's new report calls for a ‘connected recovery’, recognising the crucial importance of social connections both to recovery and to resilience in future crises.
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The United Nations have released their 'Global report on ageism' with recommendations to invest in evidence-based strategies to tackle ageism, and the use of data and research to improve understanding.
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How can we identify and support people whose health is being affected by poor housing to access funds to repair and improve their homes?
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This webinar explored the challenges and opportunities for people ageing in rural and coastal places, the impact of the pandemic on rural communities and the action required to support their recovery.
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The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy received funding from Sport England and the Centre for Ageing Better to support those with long-term health conditions to improve their strengthening.
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In a recent report it was revealed that health and wealth inequalities between men and women are at their highest amongst people in their 50s which means that women are entering later life significantly worse off than men.
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The Budget announcement sets out some positive measures for opening up the economy again and stimulating recovery and growth. But this should utilise the opportunity of our ageing population gives us, not ignore it.
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In this webinar we presented the findings of our research on work, health, housing and communities, which looked at the impact of COVID-19 on people aged 50-70.
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