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Age-friendly Businesses

Sectors and businesses are vital components of local communities with a huge role to play in our day-to-day lives.

Woman working as a barista

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Age Without Limits

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Age-friendly Employer Pledge

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Being age-friendly makes perfect sense for businesses – and the customers they serve

Our Stories

Age UK – COVID-19 and the digital divide

Sarah Parkes is a project manager in Age UK’s wellbeing Team, which aims to tackle loneliness, get older people active, and support them to stay independent for longer.

Preview man on laptop at home

Rachel - Stories from the image library

Preview Rachel, sitting down in a cafe with a cup of tea, smiling at the camera

Changing the language of our recruitment helped us to find the workforce we were looking for

Preview Health at work

Find out more about examples of good practice and people's experiences of growing older.

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