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User engagement is vital to ensuring the success of a project as it provides real life input early on in the design stage of the process – but traditional face-to-face processes have been severely disrupted by the pandemic.
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North East revealed as England’s friendliest place, with 92% of people saying they know people they say hello to in their local area.
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This webinar examined why a focus on prevention across the life course and across the health and social care system is essential to promote healthy ageing.
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This report produces the findings from our survey conducted with NatCen, which looked at how people feel about their communities and the impact of the first lockdown on those aged 50 to 69.
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The coronavirus pandemic has presented a significant threat to those who may already be at risk of loneliness and social isolation.This is what Time to Shine is doing in response.
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Recently, Scotland's independent review of social care published its recommendations. England's politicians would do well to take inspiration from them.
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The impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has meant that the past year has presented significant challenges for how communities work together and support each other during social distancing measures and reduced interaction.
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This year, 2021, marks the beginning of the UN’s Decade of Healthy Ageing which aims to foster healthy ageing and improve the lives of older people and their families and communities. Part of Ageing Better’s contribution to the Decade’s vision is through the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities.
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For too long ageing and those approaching later life have been depicted in a negative light, with imagery and language used to show them as frail and vulnerable. That's why we created our free image library.
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